Success Rate

Coin Operated Laundry is currently one of the highest demand business investment domestically or internationally. Not only it average of ROI (Return Of Investment) averaging between 40%-50%, with advantages of relatively LOW Start-Up costs, Coin Operated Laundry offer a superior investment opportunity and High Success Rate.

Business Model

Coin Operated Laundry has been proven as consistently high return rate for more than 60 years. In the new technology era where everything is moving fast, laundry remain the most basic of human necessities.

By combining the basic necessities with technology, we are able to provide you the ultimate combination of money making. Coin Operated Laundry has successfully generate a new era for conventional laundry & proven success.


As what we keep stressing out, clean clothes are a necessity not a luxury. Thus most people are moving towards Self-Service Coin Operated Laundry no matter how the stock market is performing.

We can assure you even when the stock market is not performing well, people will still choose Coin Operated Laundry because of the convenient and time saving. They will rather utilise their time to get more income rather than wasting their precious time just to do laundry daily or weekly.

Less Risk &
Uncommon Flexibility

One of the most appealing point from Coin Operated Laundry is less risk. Your customer do the job and pay upfront by CASH. We provide them with reliable machinery to help them make their life easier.

The business also allows uncommon flexibility. With machine capable of running 24/7, your customer can have very flexible time to do their laundry. They don’t even have to worry about night time or bad weather to dry the clothes, machine already take care of those things for them.



Coin Operated Laundry is currently one of the highest demand business investment domestically or internationally. Not only it average of ROI (Return Of Investment) averaging between 40%-50%, with advantages of relatively LOW Start-Up costs, Coin Operated Laundry offer a superior investment opportunity and High Success Rate.


Coin Operated Laundry has been proven as consistently high return rate for more than 60 years. In the new technology era where everything is moving fast, laundry remain the most basic of human necessities.

By combining the basic necessities with technology, we are able to provide you the ultimate combination of money making. Coin Operated Laundry has successfully generate a new era for conventional laundry & proven success.


As what we keep stressing out, clean clothes are a necessity not a luxury. Thus most people are moving towards Self-Service Coin Operated Laundry no matter how the stock market is performing.

We can assure you even when the stock market is not performing well, people will still choose Coin Operated Laundry because of the convenient and time saving. They will rather utilise their time to get more income rather than wasting their precious time just to do laundry daily or weekly.


One of the most appealing point from Coin Operated Laundry is less risk. Your customer do the job and pay upfront by CASH. We provide them with reliable machinery to help them make their life easier.

The business also allows uncommon flexibility. With machine capable of running 24/7, your customer can have very flexible time to do their laundry. They don’t even have to worry about night time or bad weather to dry the clothes, machine already take care of those things for them. The BEST thing is, you can be sitting at home while making money! The Self-Service Coin Operated Laundry allows you to make money management effortless and automated with least or no manpower.


Coin operated laundry industry has undergone a revolution. No longer dingy, unsafe, boring places that customers must endure on a weekly basis. There’s a trend toward coin operated laundry being more comfortable and enticing for the customer. For most of us, meeting the demands of work and our personal lives leads to a time crunch-there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we would like to. Coin operated laundry is capitalising this reality by providing time-saving convenience.

The amount of money you can make from a coin operated laundry varies tremendously. According to the Coin Laundry Association’s Brian Wallace, the annual gross income from one store can range from $30,000 to $1 Million US Dollars. The expenses incurred while running a store range between 65 and 115 percent of the gross income.


The steady income that a coin laundry business generates is a plus for many people. If you’re looking for a business that will keep the cash flowing no matter what the rest of the economy is doing, you’ve found it in coin operated laundries. Why because clean clothes are a necessity, not a luxury, so people are going to use coin operated laundry no matter how the stock market is performing. The business is also fairly steady month in, month out. So unless you draw on vacationers’ dollars in a place with seasonal tourism, you’ll find that you can count on a fairly steady income throughout the year.

Coin operated laundry has technology that allows the machine to run continuously at 24/7 with minimum efforts on maintenance. That also means that your business is making money non-stop even while you are sleeping soundly on your bed or running other activities.


One does not has to have prior experience in coin operated laundry business before he started out the business. Bear this in mind, the key of coin operated laundry is not about clothes but it’s really about people. It’s just like other service businesses which you need to treat your customer well if you want them to return to your store. If you have an unattended laundry that you visit twice a day to clean and collect quarters, simply greet your customers with a smile on your face and an attitude that’s ready to help.

Coin operated laundry required minimum amount of maintaining. However, there are tasks you will need to take care of on a daily basis. You will need to clean your store, collect money, and fill vending and change machines. By hiring an employee with a flexible working hours of 2-3 hours daily you should be able to manage the outlet well. You or your employee will need to do the following:

  • Mop the floors
  • Wipe down the machines
  • Clean the soap dispensers in your front-load washers
  • Wash off the folding tables
  • Clean the vending machines

When you’re done with the daily in-store duties, you’ll need to take care of some additional office work. Many laundries owners do this at home, though some may find it easier to work in a rented office or at the laundry stores if they have space.

Today it’s cheaper to start a business than ever! Contact Us Now!